I'll think about it, dad said.
After a few years of thinking, dad built her one.

In our family we are quite literal, upon which, mum immediately regret not mentioning a balcony door.

I'll think about it , dad said.

So he did,
However, mum wanted a new colour as well.
Also, even if she needed a door, she did not approve on the unbalanced look a door would cause.

This time mum did the thinking so dad could get started with the painting.
A lot of things got done over the years as they passed.

But still no balcony door.
Until the summer of 2009.

However, a bit more thinking where required. Hmm, door but no door.
We should put it over here, so we don't have to move the pipes for the radiator.

We removed the facade boards to check for hidden obstacles.

All clear.

We had planned to build the door out of the piece we where about to cut out.
This where the scariest moment, from this point there would be no more "Yes, next summer, perhaps".

One heavy block of old boards, to heavy to turn into a door.
We had to build a new one.

We saved one part from the window frame to be used at the top of the door.

A two piece door secured normal use of the window and saved us lots of space that a frame would cause.
Some angles had to be sorted out.

A high threshold left the skirting board untouched (mum's request)
New door fitted, engage the "cover up phase".

Even the inside where supposed to be as untouched as it could

Hooked up in place.

Rather good for a non looking door.

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